Ossian Road Trip with Braxton 

Braxton and I decided to make the Donut Run again Saturday. The weather was awesome, and not all that hot for August. We ended up clocking about 40 miles, round-trip. Here are a few pictures.

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Indiana Scooter Tours - First Tour - The Donut Run to Ossian! 

I've been thinking about how hard it is to know where to ride a scooter without a lot of stress or unpleasant surprises. I've decided that when I find a good ride, I'm going to try and map it out using Google's awesome maps.

So anyway, I found a fairly low-stress route from Waynedale to Ossian. It's a pretty quick ride, but has a lot of nice rural midwestern scenery.

To see the map, click HERE!

If you decide to make the "Donut Run", leave me a comment. It would be awesome to get a group together for this some Saturday morning...

Here's a picture of my new scooter in Ossian (probably not that exciting for anyone else, but I was having a good time).

I should point out that I did NOT go to the Library. Therefore, I am a rebel, of sorts (call me The Mild One).

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Yamaha SH-50 (1995) Project 

This scooter was an impulse buy, which I must admit, I sort of regretted when I got it home. However, I've decided to move ahead with a rebuild. Here are some pictures of the bike as it was when I got it:

After some basic mechanical tuning, I decided the paint was just not good enough. There were also several cracks and breaks in the plastic that needed attention. So, the body panels had to come off...

Then it was time for a lot of sanding, plastic welding, and primer...

After talking with my son, we determined that the bike had the potential to be an Urban Assault Scooter (in case of zombies). So, what could be more fitting than a nice O.D. Green rattle-can paint job?

The new seat cover is on it's way, but here's what she looks like for now...


Well, we've sold the SH-50. It was great while it lasted, but just too hard to find parts to fit. Here's what it looked like when we finished...

== 30 ==
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Genuine Scooter Co. Buddy 50 (2009) 

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Service Manuals / Owner's Manuals 

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