Bigger Bikes! 

Howdy Folks!

Boy it's been a long time since we talked! Anyway some stuff happened. Some was good, some was bad, almost none of it will feature heavily in the short excerpts of my life that flash before my eyes when I'm headed to the Big Workshop In The Sky.

I just wanted to share a few pics of some of the projects that have been happening during all that life that happened.

So, without further ado, here we go!

Suzuki GZ250 - 2002

As she looked shen we said goodbye. Thanks, old Girl, you were wonderful.

After the first ride

Added Tach!

New Ride - 2002 Harley-Davidson XL883R

Dealer Pic

Sold! To Me!

You can almost taste this color...

Needed a new saddle...

Out and About in Indiana!

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